Internationally-known ska,punk, and reggae master King Django has toured and recorded extensivelyas a solo artist, as leader of Skinnerbox and Stubborn All-Stars, and at varioustimes as a member of the Murphy’s Law, Rancid, the Toasters, The Slackersand others. On his pioneering 1998 album, Roots and Culture, Django seamlesslyblends his trademark NYC ska, rocksteady, roots reggae and dub sounds with traditionalHebrew folk music and klezmer. This is undeniably the original Jewish ska andreggae album, with lyrics in English, Yiddish and Hebrew, including eight originalcompositions as well as Yiddish cover versions of Madness’ “NightBoat to Cairo” and the Specials’ “Do Nothing.”
Members of Stubborn All-Stars,Skinnerbox, the Toasters, The Slackers, Crazy Baldhead and the New York Ska-Jazzensemble (including Victor Ruggiero, David Hillyard, Agent Jay and Victor Rice)lay down the deep, traditional Jamaican grooves from mild to wild. Also featuringKlezmer giants Andy Statman and Alicia Svigals (ex-Klezmatics).
Recorded at Version CityStudio in 1998, remixed and remastered in 2006, this Special Edition featuresgreatly enhanced sound quality plus three bonus tracks.
Track list:
1. Shtiklakh
2. Seventh Day
3. A Single Thread
4. Lomir Alle Zingen
5. Nakht Shifl Ken Kayro
6. Ya'aseh Shalom
7. Little Pieces NEW BONUS TRACK
8. Ska Mitzvah
9. Heveinu Shalom Aleichem
10. Tu Gornisht
11. Seven Day Dub NEW BONUS TRACK
12. Slaughter
13. Nokh a Shtik NEW BONUS TRACK
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